In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law
Scientific Research
Multiple Causes in Civil Liability

s h

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 1-15

  A couple of people or more may interfere in causing a damage. This is normally called; Multipicity of causes.In this regard, the most responsible cause is destined to be recognized. Many jurists and scholars have evolved a number of researches on clarifying the issue, but setting a definite relation ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Human Rights in Private Relations

a d; e t; h b; a sh

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 16-26

  Human rights are primarily used as rules for balancing unequal relations between governments and people, that is to say, human rights are mainly used in the sphere of public law. However, the capacity of human rights to be used in private relations is disputed. The stated question is: taking into account ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Damages as a Remedy for Breach of Contractual Obligations in the Law of United Kingdom and Considering the Issue in the Law of Iran

s h; e g

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 27-39

  “Specific performance”, “termination” and “damages” are three remedies for breach of contractual obligations, which are in common in all legal systems. But transposition of these remedies is different in each system. In British law there are four types of damages for ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The Basis of Protecting Intellectual Property with the Case Study of Author’s Right

m r; h a; s kh

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 40-60

  New Codifications in this field and joining to the conventions and international agreements are the main steps which countries have taken. Although, it still remains as a challenge to accept intellectual property institution in Islamic jurisprudence, but there are lots of jurisprudential rules supporting ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Civil Liability Caused By Silence )A Comparative Study in Jurisprudence, Iran and Common Law(

m d

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 49-60

  Implied intention may be conveyed from an act or omission. On the other hand, there is no doubt that civil liability may rise from omissions. In effect the silence as a kind of forbearance )refraining from speaking( may give raise to civil liability if it shows the implied intention of silent person ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Legitimacy of motive in Ayqaat

a h; z a

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 61-71

  In the present study we aim to answer a number questions according to Articls 190 and 217 of civil law which verify basic terms of trading accuracy and influence term of illegitimate motive in nullity of transactions such as: Can we discuss about the legitimacy of motive in Ayqaat? In other words, whether ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Role of Delivery in Mortgage of Commercial Documents

h b

Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 72-83

  Mortgage of commercial documents is one of the important needs in commercial relations and countries’ internal and international economy; In the event that a lot of countries’ lawgivers, have anticipated  the mortgage of commercial documents by “endorsement for mortgage” ...  Read More