In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law
Scientific Research
File Sharing of literary and artistic works; challenges and opportunities

z sh; s h

Volume 2, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 1-12

  File Sharing of the literary and artistic works are popular among different social groups .The advent of file sharing technology has allowed consumers to downloading and uploading music, books, video games, and other protected works. Download and Upload works of literary and artistic works are considered ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Study of Legal Nature of Timeshare in Us of America Law

s a; e p

Volume 2, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 13-25

  france isregarded as timeshare origin;also USA is one of leaders to accept timeshare phenomenon for tourist attractive and developing tourism American law timeshare of owners has a fee simple absolute that according to the person will acquire all of the ownership rights and  can be an ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Legal and Jurisprudential Basis of Early performance of Contract

e sh; m gh

Volume 2, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 63-78

      Even though the parties to a contract must perform their obligations in the specified time, but in some cases the obligor does not perform his/her obligation at the mentioned specified time. A clear instance of such case is a delayed performance, but in some circumstances, ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Theory of Mitigation (A Comparative Study in UN Convention on International Sale of Goods and Iranian Law)

h a; h k

Volume 2, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 79-94

  The party who is true to the contract cannot sit and wait for the other party to breach the contract, but must become active in order to minimize the loss or to prevent it at all. In otherwise, one defense that can be expressed by defendant of tort action (damager) is duty of aggrieved party to minimize ...  Read More