Guide for Authors

Journal Forms

These are the different forms required for journal submission:

Terms and conditions for manuscript submission

Researchers who want to publish their scientific articles in this journal must pay attention to the following details in order to speed up the review and publication process; otherwise, the article will not be subjected to review and evaluation, and the paper will only be once returned to the author for structural revisions.

  • Articles submitted for review and publication must not have previously appeared in other domestic and international journals or been simultaneously submitted for review in other journals.
  • Article submission is only possible through the journal's website, and the publication does not accept manuscripts submitted manually or via e-mail. 
  • The publication is free to reject, accept and edit the article.
  • The order of the authors' names is determined by the order in which the author's information has been entered on the journal website during the article's submission. The corresponding author must correctly and completely input the names of all contributors on the publication site.
  • Articles must be created in accordance with the article writing guidance or they will be returned to the author and not considered in the review process.
  • It is required to complete and submit the commitment form, conflict of interest form, and Cover Letter (see Journal Forms).

Paper Preparation Guide