In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law
Scientific Research
Impact of Sanction on Performance of the International Commercial Contracts in Light of Force Majeure

s e; sh a

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 1-18

  The main question discussed now a days in the industry   is that “does the force majeure clause comes under the concept of the sanctions in the international contracts? “.  To answer this question the force majeure is analyzed conceptually in this paper and it is concluded that ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Third Party Citation in Court of Administrative Justice

m j

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 18-30

  Although about the Court of Administrative Justice and its jurisdiction, several articles can be found, but a bout of third party citation in the Court, This is the first time that an article be written. In fact, until a new law Court of Administrative Justice, basically has Been dormant the issue of ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Principles of the Judicial Evaluation of General Conditions of Litigation Proof Evidence

a k; e t; r m

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 31-44

  One of the main characteristics of investigative judgment system is the judge freedom in the evaluation of evidence. This characteristic is a separation criterion between judgment system and accusatory system and it is a trust that legislators see the access to judgment aim in it. For this reason this ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The Enforced or Voluntary Liquidation of the Impossibility of Contract

m b

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 45-54

  Contract as a legal entity is born to continue to exist for a while and normally ends by fulfilling the obligation. During life, or how the circumstance of contract ends, depends on the kind and the type of issue, and various reasons that either contributes significantly to the proper understanding of ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Development in the Inheritance Rights of Women to the Land of her Husband

m s

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 55-67

  Following the amendment of Articles 946 and 948 of the Iranian Civil Code in 1387 (2009) by Parliament by which the wife is entitled to inherit from the price of the land [of her deceased husband], a remarkable development has occurred in the law on the inheritance of the wife from her husband’s ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Demanding Guarantee from Promisor; Before Due Date of Contractual Obligations

m a; m sh; m p; m y

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 68-82

  Before the due date of obligation performance, it is probable that the creditor with his/her reasonable and conventional expectations, comes to the conclusion that the promisor would not perform his/her obligations or would be unable to do them at the due date. One of the strategies to avoid this phenomenon ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The Rules Used by the Judges in Interpreting the Contracts in Islamic Feqh in Iran, Egypt and Lebanon's Laws

b kh

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 83-93

  People make contracts in their commercial relationships that may damage the terms included in the contracts. So, they have no alternative but to refer to the court. It is the duty of the judges to find out the real aim of the parties. It is clear that the judges are not allowed to interpret the cases ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The Nature of Intellectual Property Right and its Place in Property Law

a m

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 94-107

  The undeniable role of intellectual property right in commercial and industrial changes caused these subjects enter into the legal literature. Their entrance to legal literature, in addition to the allocation of considerable number of laws and regulations, provides a context for the explanation of these ...  Read More

Scientific Research
A Comparative Study of Prohibition of Reba (usury) Under the Laws of Islamic and European Countries

m b; m e

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, Pages 108-121

  The interpretation of the term usury which has its roots in the Christian literature is not far from the concept of Reba in Islamic context. The term which goes beyond a linguistic debate has had widespread implications and impacts on the economies of many countries. In this paper examines the legal, ...  Read More