In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Private Law, Qum University, Qom, Iran


In the modern societies, principally, persons in their social relationships with each other have some logical expectations and obligations which should be respected by all people and in the other way it will conclude to some damages in this position. legislators obligation is to make law for lifting these damages from the damaged person shoulders. As one of the most important social rank in the society is voluntary obligations through the contracts by the persons, emerging contractual expectations and respecting to these is an axiomatic issue and if not respected, the offender will be responsible to the damaged person by paying money as the broken expectation substitutionary. Verifying these contractual expectations in the common law in the comparison of its Islamic one can be counted as a landmark in the determination of these expectations concept and limitation in the both systems. At last, this contribution could reach to this conclusion that there is no much difference between the Islamic Model with its common law in the matter of expectation damages, however; entity of some difference in these two systems is undeniable.


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