In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law
Volume 12 (2023)
Volume 11 (2022)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 9 (2020)
Volume 8 (2019)
Volume 7 (2018)
Volume 6 (2017)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2012)
Number of Volumes 13
Number of Issues 25
Number of Articles 234
Number of Contributors 438
Article View 1,227,923
PDF Download 460,751
View Per Article 5247.53
PDF Download Per Article 1969.02
Number of Submissions 2,161
Acceptance Rate 11
Time to Accept (Days) 186
Number of Indexing Databases 6
Number of Reviewers 220

The "Civil Law Knowledge" is a scientific journal with the mission of developing
knowledge and disseminating the results of research in fundamental, applied, and
developmental areas related to civil law published by Payame Noor University.
Other information about this journal is as follows:
- The scientific journal "Civil Law Knowledge" is published in collaboration
with the Iranian Society of Medical Law under a cooperation agreement.
- The peer review and article acceptance process is explained in the article
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Type of Journal: Scientific
Journal Publishing Method: Electronic
Types of Articles: Scientific-Research/Scientific Review Publication
Frequency: This journal is published in two quarterly transactions.
Language of the Journal: Persian, with abstracts and references in English
Average Review Time for Articles: 6 weeks
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Country of Publication: Iran
Publisher: Payame Noor University
Field of Activity: Civil Law
Start of Publication: Fall and Winter 1391
Article Review and Acceptance charge: Currently three million Rials until final
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Review Type: Specialized review process with closed and double-blind peer review,
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Initial Review Period: One-week Publication
Method: Electronic
Impact Factor (ISC): 0.070
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ISSN: 6166-2538
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Scientific Research
Legal Nature of Investment in Special Tourism Zones Regarding Their Feasibility of Public-Private Partnership Contract Implementation

Monireh Khodadadpour

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 1-18

  Special tourism zones have got abundant capabilities to attract indoor and outdoor investors and tourists. This situation has drawn attention of many countries to more and more development of these zones. Although in our country, Iran, special laws have been ratified for this subject, we have not seen ...  Read More

Scientific Research
A New Research on Debt Origination in Merchant Suspension Lawsuit

Hossein Shahid; Ali Eslamipanah; Ali Rostamifar

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 19-28

  The debt origination in the bankruptcy cases is one of the controversial issues among lawyers and this difference of opinion is also reflected in the decisions of the courts. Determining and recognizing the debt origination and examining its impact on bankruptcy case in correction of inadequacies and ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Feasibility of Using Ownership in "Moon"

Hamzeh Nazarpour; Aliakbar Izadifard

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 29-44

  Ownership is a characteristic that arises as a result of any legal authority. What has been said about this feature so far has been in the field of earth; While the human effort to be present, active and live in space outside the earth is increasing. Along with this effort, it became more important to ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Transactions of Negotiable Instruments in the Face of Bankruptcy

Mohammad Shokri; Ibrahim Taghizadeh

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 45-58

  One of the documents used in business activities is negotiable instruments, (draft, promissory notes and checks). Transactions related to negotiable instruments have a contractual nature due to the voluntary nature of the legal act and the reciprocity of the contract. bankruptcy prohibits the trader ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
An Exploration of the Unwritten Interpretation of Terms and Legal Effects Resulting from Them (A Comparative Study between French Law and Iranian Law)

Masoud Narimanpour; Mehdi Narimanpour

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 59-76

  Violation of prescribed texts brings different sanctions, depending on the legislator's goals, sometimes it is invalid, sometimes it is lack of influence, sometimes it is not valid and other cases. One of these sanctions, in French law, is to consider some Clause unwritten. This sanction claims that ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
Preservation of Contracts Through the Application of Damages Beyond Actual Damages in Iran and the US Law

Seyed Hasan Hosseini; Seyed Hasan Hosseini Moghaddam; Mehdi Fallah Kharyeki

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 77-92

  Preserving rights and obligations and ensuring their enforcement stand as key objectives of contract law, underscored through various legal principles. Nevertheless, instances arise where one party deliberately and opportunistically breaches a contract. If the breaching party stands to gain benefits ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
Civil Liability of Electricity Supply Institutions in Iran and America from the Perspective of "Sovereignty" or "Management"

Faezeh sadat Saadatmandi; Hasan Badini; Abase Karimi

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 93-104

  The purpose of this research is to answer the question that under what conditions is the civil liability of the electricity supplier institutions in Iran and the United States caused by the acts of governance and under what conditions is it caused by the acts of entrepreneurship? It is trying to use ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
Contracts of Sports Clubs before the Formation of the Club, Emphasizing the Principle of Good Faith

Mehdi Yousefi Sadeghloo

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 105-120

  The founders of sports clubs may sign contracts to meet their needs before forming the club, and these contracts are signed to the credit of the club, which has an independent personality from the managers and the parties to the contracts. As a result, the question arises, what is the nature of such ...  Read More

Scientific Research
A Reflection on the Effectiveness of the Arbitration Institution in Foreign Trade

Mohammad Karimi; Dawood Nassiran; MohammadReza Najafi; Majidreza Arabahmadi

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 121-134

  International commercial arbitration is without a doubt the most important method for resolving disputes in foreign trade. But why is arbitration more developed in foreign trade compared to referring to national courts and according to the economic law professors' view of the arbitration institution ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
The Concept of Vhild-Friendly Justice in Proceedings and its Impact on Children's Empowerment

Farangis Mansoori

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 135-154

  The concept of child-friendly justice is the result of the development of the legal status of children under international human rights laws in recent decades; A concept that calls for a significant change in the way judicial systems interact with children. Child-friendly justice focuses on the effective ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
Disgorgement Damages; a Response to Willful Breach of Contract (Comparative Study in Common Law, Civil Law, Iran and Basis of Feqh)

Rouhollah Rezaei

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 155-176

  Disgorgement of benefits resulting from breach of contract is a severe remedy that is awarded in different legal systems in certain situations. Unlike compensatory damages, which focus on the damage caused to the promisee, this remedy is based on the interest of the party in breach and allows the promisee ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
Jurisprudential and Legal Review of the Guarantee of Execution of the Condition of Relinquishment of the Legal Act in the Marriage Ccontract

Omolbanin Alahmoradi; Farhad Keramat

Volume 13, Issue 25 , June 2024, Pages 177-191

  One of the types of the condition of the act is the condition of abandoning the legal act, in which not performing a legal act is a condition in the contract. There is a difference of opinion about the enforceable guarantee of violation of the condition of the negative legal act. Some believe that the ...  Read More

Development in the Inheritance Rights of Women to the Land of her Husband

m s

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 0, , Pages 55-67

  Following the amendment of Articles 946 and 948 of the Iranian Civil Code in 1387 (2009) by Parliament by which the wife is entitled to inherit from the price of the land [of her deceased husband], a remarkable development has occurred in the law on the inheritance of the wife from her husband’s ...  Read More

The Method of Formation of Electronic Contracts And It's Characters

m m

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 0, , Pages 85-98

  Electronic environment through the internet is most modern field for e-contracts. Electronic contracts in relation to credit, and assimilation with the rules and regulations regarding civil rights agreements depends to structure forms. A “e-contracts” topic is new and works to identify and ...  Read More

The Study of the Necessity or Lack of the Necessity of the Essential Conditions of the Accuracy of the Contracts Considering the Terms During the Contract

s gh; s d

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 0, , Pages 27-36

  The discussion of the necessity or lack of the necessity of the basic terms of the accuracy of the contracts considering the terms during the contract is the significant issue in the civil law and islamic jurisprudence of contracts.In the iranian civil law have not been mentioned the conditions of the ...  Read More

Sub Agency (Comparative Study in the Islamic Law, Iran and England Law)

m e; m m

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 0, , Pages 115-129

  Delegation by the agent has two main types: 1-delegation to the third party, so that in time of delegation to the agent also is give to him express or implicit permission to could delegate to another for the implementation of the subject matter of agency. in this case, the first agent do not deleted ...  Read More

The Effects and Features of Right (Haq) in Imamiyya Jurisprudence and Civil Code

a f

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 0, , Pages 1-14

  Identification of the effects and features of right to distinguish between the right and other similar concepts and facilities is important. Understanding these effects as keys to identify the aspects of the other concepts are applied and it is possible that, for example, in dubious cases between the ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Scope of Application of Convention on Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) in Connection with Multimodal Transportation

ebrahim taghizadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 06 January 2020

  In today’s modern world, road carriage forms some parts of many multimodal carriages. For one, it is often the only option for the transport of cargo to and from infrastructure hubs such as ports, railway stations or aerodromes. Whether the CMR applies to stages of road carriage that are provided ...  Read More

Scientific Research family low
A comparative study of the protection of the weak party in the imposed contracts in Iranian and Egyptian law

Azadeh najafi; ebrahim taghizadeh; ali chahkandinezhad

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 April 2023

  This article examines a special form of contract in which one party has a superior or exclusive power that prepares and imposes the terms and conditions of the contract on the other party. Without having the right to negotiate and discuss, he is forced to accept and It is annexed to it. The present study ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The shortcomings of the arbitration provisions of the building pre-sale law; Ambiguities and guidelines

Mohammad shokri; Alireza Iranshahi; Ibrahim Taghizadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 01 January 2024

  قانونگذار تعیین داوری در قرارداد پیش‌فروش ساختمان را از شرایط لازم دانسته است، تا به اختلافات احتمالی از این طریق رسیدگی گردد. گرچه این داوری مشمول عمومات داوری اختیاری ...  Read More



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