In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law
Scientific Research
Uncertainty in absolute incapacitated persons’ civil liability with juristic approach Bijan Haji Azizi ، Karimi

bijan hajirezai; boshra karimi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 13-24

  This article is an effort to study influence and function of capacity on tortious liability with juristic approach and to utilize results of this study to amend the law. The main issue is whether capacity influences on tortious liability or not? It seems although the primary purpose of the jurisprudence ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Innovation Law , ideas, tools and policies Majidbanaie Oskoee, SM chehel toni, Ahmad Mozaffari

majid banayi oskoyi; seyed mahdi chehel toni; ahmad mozafari

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 25-41

    Legal perspective, it is important to point out that today's innovation as the main keyword and one of the main elements of the economic transformation, the distribution of power and wealth affected and in many cases, affect patterns of our social behavior. Putting aside the rights and innovation ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Time and place of the conclusion of electronic contracts Laya Joneidi،Sahar Karimi

laya jonidi; sahar karimi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 42-54

  Along with the increasing use of electronic devices for concluding an international contract, the most international electronic contracts are concluded in the circumstance which their parties aren’t present in a specific location. Since some of the most important characteristics of each contract ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Civil and criminal liability arising from sporting activities Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini،elham Eshaghi

seyed mohamman hosini; elham eshaghi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 55-67

    Nowadays exercise is one of the most important healthy activities among teens and adults.which in some cases of cours it may lead to danger for the athlets. Because getting injured in matches and athletic activities,is something natural and unavoidable. By the way there are some theorys showing ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The concept of the rights of consumers and suppliers of goods and services in Iranian and European regulations Ghulam Nabi fizi Chekab،Taghi Asadi

gholam fizi chakab; taghi asadi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 68-78

    The word of  ((consumer & supplier)) are essential in commerce realm. To know their rights & duties, it is necessary an exact meaning of them. Its clear that consumers are weaker than suppliers in commercial transactions, so many Rules & Directives  has  been set to ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Scrutiny of Arbitration Centers to Arbitration Ward mahdi haddadi

mahdi hadidi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 0, Pages 79-87

  Today arbitration centers offer significant services in context of arbitration. Offered services in centers are not identical, some of centers may perform different activity than others. One of major activities of arbitration centers is scrutiny of the arbitration proceeding. In centers such as the ICC ...  Read More