In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor of Private Law, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Private Law, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


In the main suit and ancillary suit, what is most noticeable is the confrontation of one or more plaintiffs against one or more defendants, or the entry and attraction of a person or third parties to the main litigation. The question is, according to the rules governing litigation, can a large number of persons be used as a party to the litigation (plaintiffs or defendants), without all of them participating directly in the proceedings? Article 74 of the Code of Civil Procedure has implicitly identified a form of civil litigation. This type of claims applies to certain non-enclosed people from a village or part of the city, but plaintiff only one or a few of them will be listed in his petition as a defendant. This claim is generally considered to be plaintiff and their teammate, and in particular, such as claims related to consumer rights (According to Article 48 of the e-commerce law, approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran on February 17, 2002), are focused on claimants. It should be noted that, this type of lawsuit has the official name in foreign law, especially American law, as a class action. This article proves the necessity of such a lawsuit by focusing on the readers and their teammate.


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