In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Master of International Trade, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Crypto currency is a cryptocurrency-based currency that, despite its decentralized management of users, has always secured payments and operations. Fast transfer with low cost, decentralized issuance, definite amount and high security of storage prevent the blocking or seizure of this type of asset. Islamic thinkers have two different views on the cryptocurrency. It is haram and forbidden and it is permissible and unobstructed. In addition to these religious challenges, due to the peer-to-peer transfer and decentralization and the consequent elimination of intermediary institutions, the requirement for policy-making in the face of this emerging economic phenomenon has become particularly important. Especially since every day we see tremendous advances in technology, the growth of multinational corporations, the integration of the national economy into the realm of global economies, the change of monetary and financial systems, and finally the creation of new and decentralized global markets. In the drawn space, the new monetary system is a necessity and facing such a space is undeniable. In the meantime, crypto currency is a precursor to the awareness of governments to provide the necessary conditions for global developments with the necessary policies at different levels of governance, legislation and regulation. Our country's approach has been different and sometimes contradictory since the emergence of this new phenomenon. Therefore, in this article, with the method of library analysis, we have dealt with jurisprudential and legal studies of encountering cryptocurrencies, and in the path of globalization, the comprehensive strengthening of this inevitable encounter before universality becomes a necessary necessity that we know.


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