In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 ََPrivate law, faculty of law, university of Qom, Qom. Iran

2 Ph.D. Student Private law, Department of law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Reliance interest is one of the triple contractual interests which can be claimed by the claimant after the defendant’s breach of contract. The reliance interest occurs when the  plaintiff changes his position and spends some expenditures due to the reliance on the defendant’s performance of his contractual obligations but the defendant’s breach causes these expenditures be wasted. The object of awarding damages in this situation is to put the injured party in as good a position as he was in before the contract was made. The injured party can claim his reliance interest instead of his expectation or restitution interests. Although the reliance interest has not expressly mentioned in Iranian law and Fiqh-e-Emamiyeh, but there are some instances that could be considered as examples of reliance interest.


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