In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 professor - shahid madani university

2 Ph.D. student of private law, Shiraz University


Judicial adjustment of Contract, where arises After the conclusion of the contract, due to changes in unpredictable and non-existent circumstances, fulfill commitment create unbearably suffering for a committed person and parties not forecast terms and conditions of the About this circumstances and on the other hand The legislator has not made a ruling on this matter. the next controversial issue is the Judicial adjustment of Contract based on the profound change in the interests of the parties to the contract that create more opposition. Accordingly, the result of this article will show that, in some cases Remaining Contract and Correcting, is Efficient Solution and in some cases, Dissolution of contract an efficient solution. As a result of this research Based on acceptance of judicial modalities in limited cases and is in the form of a legal license for the court. Courts must review the situation and alternatives of adjustment, such as the termination of the contract, decide whether to modify or not modify it.



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