In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student in Private Law, Institute for Management and Planning Studies, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Law, Payame Noor Univesity, Tehran, Iran


Indemnity clauses are one of the transfer of responsibility clauses that importance and practical of them in terms of transfer of risk and division of responsibility in intellectual property contracts and on infringement of third parties' rights have been caused them to have special place in internal and international law, including common law system. Nevertheless, the notion of this clause in intellectual property contracts, its nature, territory and legal effects in the relationship between parties of contract and third parties are in question. In this analytical and comparative research, we intend in addition to examination the notion of indemnity clause in intellectual property contracts, explain three issues of the nature of this clause and basis of its accuracy and legal effects of this clause in intellectual property contracts system . Finally, we concluded that despite serious similarity of this clause with contracts and conditions like insurance, guaranty and etc. this clause has independent nature and article 10 of civil code can be the most comprehensive basis for accepting this useful clause in Iran's legal system. Considering the principles of privity of contracts and opposability of contracts by third parties could be keys in determining the effects of this clause.


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