In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Islamic Azad University, Parand and Robatkarim Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Shahid Baheshti University, Tehran, Iran


One of the questions arising about the contract of transfer of technology in kind is the influence of patent invalidation on the contract. The subject of this contract is a composition of patent, know-how with educational, technical and management helping in a way that make the transferee independent and license to use is a part of contract for its effectiveness. So, it can be said that the subject of the contract is a technology in a body that has a lot of components including patent and its existence increase the value of the subject matter of the contract. So, by patent invalidation (considering of the real monopoly before invalidation) is ceased to exist and by considering the continuous character of the contract, by analogy with the rules of lease contract, the transferee will have the option of Tabaoze-Safghe. Acceptance of option of tabaoze-safghe not only protect the motivation of transferee to challenge the unjust patent and so removing it for protection public knowledge and improper monopoly, but also give the transferee the option to decide about the destination of contract and from other side, guarantee the motivation of inventors to register their invention and making transfer of technology contracts.


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