In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


ph.D. of International Law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The arbitral institution is one of the entities that determine responsibility. An arbitral institution shall be considered to be an international organization that has international legal personality and, therefore, commits an internationally wrongful act and has international responsibility and for the breach of its international obligations that attributable to it. One of the obligations of the arbitral institution is the obligation to accept arbitration requests. so that these organizations, by generally announcing their arbitration rules, declare their willingness to accept international disputes, and the contracting parties, with the confidence of this fact, will opine them as settlement body for disputes arising from the contract. The refusal of the arbitral organization to accept arbitration requests often deprived the injured party for the right to access to justice. Because, except by agreement of the parties to the dispute, there is no possibility of resorting to the alternative to the settlement of the dispute, and the injured party will probably not be repaired. This refusal, which breaches the obligations of the arbitral institution, gives rise to responsibility.


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