In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student in Construction Management Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


One of the important needs of human societies has been providing house and shelter. Applicants of housing usually tried to find people or companies to resolve this problem. In order to achieve this goal, they provided appropriate housing by cash or under special purchasing conditions. In conditional building buying, two sides of the contract sometimes did not take their commitments and they created lots of problems for each other. One of the current contracts in this field is presale building. In recent decades, this type of buying a house has been prevalent in Iran. Lack of appropriate law in this field lead to lots of files about conflicts of contract sides in courts. Therefore, legislator decided to approve a special law for this topic. Finally, the presale building law was approved in Islamic Parliament of Iran in 2010 and the regulation of the law was communicated by the government in 2014. Presale building law prevented some of the offence and fraud that its benefits are stated in this paper. Although this law has restricted house sellers and companies, it is not comprehensive yet. This paper points to lacks, defects and ambiguities of the presale building law with engineering approach and at the end, suggests some spatial items for improvement of this law.


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