In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor in Private Law, Payame Noor University


Though intellectual properties, like any other properties, are subject to various threats and dangers, but reality is that the shadow of threats to these properties is wider and deeper than other properties. The intangible nature, the simple and low cost of reproduction, the prevalence of universal communication devices, such as the Internet, and most importantly earning high-profit are reasons for the widespread violation of these properties and makes it more attractive.
Considering the extent of these threats and their harmful effects on different aspects of society such as economy, health, security and culture, analysis of threats to intellectual property and how to deal with them seems necessary.Hence, the present paper through analyzing the scope and effects of threats, categorizing them into three groups of objective threats, mental threats and threats arising from intellectual property policies and mechanisms, analyzes ways confronting with threats facing intellectual property.
Key words: Intellectual Property- Objective Threats- Mental Threats-Threats Arising from Intellectual Property Policies and Mechanisms


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