In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 shiraz branch.islamic azad university

2 Shiraz branch Islamic azad university

3 shiraz


Full compensation for lost is not usually achieved by citing a loss to one of the remedies of breach of contract. Rather, it is sometimes necessary to aggregate between the above remedies. The sum of the compensation with other reactions to the breach of the covenant is very vague given the legislator's silence on its enforce ability and lack of judicial procedure. Regardless of the feasibility of this sum and its enforcement practices, the possibility of this sum is very important, given the general legal principles underlying most laws, and these principles are used to resolve ambiguities.
In other words, is it possible that, in the use of lost to one of the remedies arising from breach of contract, such as rescission, and failure to full compensation, we will give right to lost to use other remedies, such as claiming of loss or amending the contract, or partial rescission of the contract, or specific performance and claim of loss between two or more remedies to full compensations for their damages, collect and use simultaneously.
Keywords, full Compensation, sum of remedies، rescission


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