Scope of Application of Convention on Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) in Connection with Multimodal Transportation

Document Type : Scientific Research


payame Noor


In today’s modern world, road carriage forms some parts of many multimodal carriages. For one, it is often the only option for the transport of cargo to and from infrastructure hubs such as ports, railway stations or aerodromes. Whether the CMR applies to stages of road carriage that are provided for in an international multimodal contract however, is, and has been cause for ample discussion ever since the advent of multimodal carriage1. Because the CMR only makes partial provision for multimodal transport in Article 2, a provision which only covers the ‘roll-on, roll-off ’ variety of multimodal transport operations2, the lack of clarity on its position concerning other types of multimodalcarriage enables the existence of differing opinions on the scope of application of the CMR. After study and research it is proved that, Under preparatory work of convention and most of writer opinions, Article 1 of CMR not only applies to purely road carriages, it also applies to road segments provided for in interational road segments of multimodal transport contracts. Additionally, for completing the discussion and as a minor argument, temporarily, regulations of CIM, CIV and Irans legal system is investigated.


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