In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research



Today, the use of cyberspace has become increasingly common.  This space naturally leads to its own legal issues. Undoubtedly, one of the main issues is that, after the death of users, what fate awaits their accounts, and the contents of these accounts? In answering this question: The account belongs to the company that creates it and allows the user to use it only. So, after the death of the user, the account will be lost But information is a creature of the user, so it belongs to him. Some authors compare virtual information with material property and believe that the property will be inherited, like material property, but the fact is that the analogy of material property with the virtual information is contemplating. Material property, less can Reveal the owner's privacy, especially third parties, while the information in the cyberspace is not so. Accordingly, and in the interests of privacy, it appears that the only information that the user publicly publishes and makes available to everybody, as well as those information that is financially valuable, Will be transferred with inheritance. As a rule, other information that discloses of them violates the privacy of the person will be destroyed, However, given that this information will be a valuable source for the future to know about the lifestyles of our people, it can be suggested to the legislator that the virtual information after a long time, is public And made available to the public.
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