In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research



The Freight Forwarders are one of the institutions that are active in the field of transportation.
They are more active in the field of international commercial transportation, especially combined
or  multimodal  transportation.  To  show  the  About  the  importance  of  this  institution,  shall  tell
importance of this institution, one may say that in transportation process, using the services of these
institutions is essential. Despite the important role of the Freight Forwarders in the transportation
industry,  unfortunately,  puts  doubtsthere  is  ambiguity  about  the  nature  of  the  obligations  and
responsibilities that exist, so that the institution is paralleled considered as an equal to the ones in
charge of transportation with the same responsibilitiesin the carrier considered and responsibility
for the same Carrier been raised. Also about the bases of Freight Forwarder>s liability, iIn different
legal systems various and sometimes vague approaches have been adopted various and sometimes
vague  approachesabout  the  bases  of  Freight  Forwarder>s  liability.  This  can  be  caused  by  a  lack
of international conventions, weak legislation and silence of regulations relating to the transport.
This study is trying to examininge The bases of Freight Forwarder>s contractual liability on the
two different approaches (Presumed-fault and Strict liability), and in different regulations, including
regulations of FIATA , and secondarily on the Llaw of different countries like Iran, England, France,
Belgium, Italy and Spain are examined. Finally, it is significant that the «Presumed-fault» as the
minimum approach is acceptable, of course, exacerbate the bases of Freight Forwarder>s liability
with regard to the specialized nature of this institution, is tenable. theThe research in this paper is a
crossmethodology is descriptive and analytical.


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