Comparison of the basis of the proportionality of a crime and the metaphors (al-gohay is the definition of a kefir) in the Iranian judicial system and its chain of transmission among the sects

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student

2 Associate Prof.


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Maintenance, proportionality, and basic obligations include fairness and justice in common matters, including the determination of sanctions in the opinion of criminals, and the goal is to apply a balance of sanctions in the direction of a crime whose crime is depicted as the mediation of another criminal. On the basis of the principle of proportionality, justice and fairness, it is necessary that a criminal be accused only of being punished for a crime committed on the basis of the severity of the crime and being placed in the same suit, being placed as a criminal, conditions for the crime and other things, a case and a different form of action, and between the crime and the punishments. hamhangi and equivalent to the existence of dard. In this case, the judiciary differs in a different judicial system in order to determine the existence of a kaifir in which there is a whole mitwan in which the judiciary is defined as a specific kifardhi, a specific kifardi, Keywords are obligatory and keywords are mandatory. I am dependent on you, as there are many advantages and disadvantages to it. On the basis of the balance of the choices of judicial status and the balance of the importance of the validity of the issues in each case, the severity of the situation is different. In Iran's legal system, the balance of the Zianbar factor and the amount of physics, two important factors of the Peshbini factor, the severity of the


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