In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor of the Department of Law and Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



The concept of child-friendly justice is the result of the development of the legal status of children under international human rights laws in recent decades; A concept that calls for a significant change in the way judicial systems interact with children. Child-friendly justice focuses on the effective participation of children in justice systems. And it embraces the idea that the courts can be a powerful tool to positively impact children's lives, while recognizing the fact that contact with the legal system is often more a source of additional harm than a cure for children. . Drawing on international child rights obligations, Child-Friendly Justice introduces principles that empower children to exercise their rights and encourages public authorities, courts and law enforcement to develop policies that address the precarious situation of children in the justice system. . In general, child-friendly justice aims to recognize the child as a holder of rights rather than the child merely being the object of special care and protection due to his or her particular vulnerability.


Main Subjects

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