In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor in Private Law, Social Sciences Faculty, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Special tourism zones have got abundant capabilities to attract indoor and outdoor investors and tourists. This situation has drawn attention of many countries to more and more development of these zones. Although in our country, Iran, special laws have been ratified for this subject, we have not seen any significant development in these zones yet. One of the effective factors of existing situation is the abundant legal vacuums and the unclear legal nature of contracts in these zones.
In this study, by introducing special zones and existing supports in our country, we try to investigate the legal supports and analyze the contractual nature of investment contracts of special tourism zones in other countries. We also try to analyze the possibility or impossibility of implementing the methods of public-private partnership in these zones. Due to the special characteristics of these zones and according to the existing laws, it seems possible to implement public-private partnership methods in these zones even though the existing laws needs to be amended.


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