In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Private Law Graduate of Farabi Campus of Tehran University, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student of Shahid Motahari University and Lecturer of Jurisprudence and Private Law, Shahid Motahari University and Higher School, Tehran.


Violation of prescribed texts brings different sanctions, depending on the legislator's goals, sometimes it is invalid, sometimes it is lack of influence, sometimes it is not valid and other cases. One of these sanctions, in French law, is to consider some Clause unwritten. This sanction claims that the violation of some of the provisions foreseen in the terms of the contract will cause the legislator to assume it as null and void, and as a result, it will not have any legal effect on the parties to the contract. .In this research, we aim to examine the nature, characteristics and legal effects of this institution in French law by referring to library sources with an analytical-descriptive approach, and at the same time, the possibility of identifying it in Iranian law and its possible legal effects. Check the existing laws. The unwritten Clause in French law has many legal effects, among them it can be mentioned that it is not judicial, not subject to the passage of time, not adjustable and explicit, and according to these effects, it should be separated from the institution of partial invalidity. knew In Iranian law, the existence of some legal texts such as articles 1069, 1081 and 778 of the Civil Code indicates that the legislator has paid attention to the necessity of the existence of this legal entity, and according to it, some legal works such as the non-nullity of an unwritten condition contrary to the requirements of the contract can be established.


Main Subjects

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