In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor Department of Law, Amin University of Police Sciences., Tehran, Iran.

2 M.Sc. in Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Defense based on civil liability is divided into different categories based on its multiple meanings and diverse functions. One of the important types of defense in civil liability is the defense based on limiting the amount of responsibility, the proof of which without negating the responsibility of the defendant, simply reduces the scope of the defendant's responsibility and the amount of damages payable by him. Despite the importance of defenses based on the limitation of liability in harmonizing the rules of civil liability in terms of compensation and also creating a favorable legal order in civil liability claims, the examination of this type of defense as an independent topic in our legal system has been neglected. The current research, with descriptive analytical methods and with the approach of emphasizing the civil responsibility of the police, seeks to provide a coherent basis for the classification of defense types based on the limitation of responsibility in civil liability lawsuits through a systematic interpretation of domestic laws. In this regard, three general categories of defenses based on liability limitation in civil liability lawsuits can be identified and examined that are respectively based on the defense based on role of the victim in connection with the accident (including the contributory negligence of the victim and also the breach of the duty to mitigate damages), the defense based on intervention of third parties and Multiple Tortfeasors in the occurrence of the accident and in the end, the defense based on good faith of the Tortfeasor is divided.


Main Subjects

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