In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Medical Law

Document Type : Scientific Research


fuctuiiy of university


Nowadays, due to the connection of joint-stock companies with other groups of society on the one hand and the increase of their social responsibility on the other hand, companies are looking for a solution to maintain their stability and stability in order to carry out their activities. Compulsory buying and selling of shares is one of these solutions that helps the stability of the company. Thus, a group of shareholders, who have a minor role in the company's policy making and decisions leave the company in the above way and end their membership in the company. What is of great importance and has been emphasized by the author in this article; Maintaining the principle of balance between the positions of minority and majority shareholders is considered one of the important functions of forced purchase and sale of shares in the American and English legal systems. The study of the two legal systems of common law and Iran shows that, firstly, unlike the legal system of common law, there are no special regulations regarding compulsory purchase and sale in the regulations of Iran's joint stock companies. Secondly, in other laws, such as the law on removing barriers to competitive production in 2014, which has established regulations in this field, it is fundamentally different from the regulations of the common law system. Therefore, comparing the laws and regulations of the two countries can solve many shortcomings and ambiguities in joint stock companies regarding the forced purchase.


Main Subjects

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