Main Subjects = حقوق تجارت
A New Research on Debt Origination in Merchant Suspension Lawsuit

Volume 13, Issue 25, June 2024, Pages 19-28


Hossein Shahid; Ali Eslamipanah; Ali Rostamifar

Examining and Analyzing the Patterns Cited by Human Rights in International Investment Arbitration

Volume 12, Issue 1, September 2023, Pages 147-164


Hamid Hamidian; Fateme Rajaiee; Alireza Pouresmaeili

An Approach on the Concept of "Shipwreck" Based on Concrete and Abstract Elements

Volume 11, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 101-114


Gholamnabi Fayzi chakab; Niloofar Kamyab mansouri